Welcome to Brush Strokes!

Up, Down, Left, Right - Player Movement
Shift - Show Target Colour

Note: This game is not intended to be played in full screen mode. It will break the UI if you do, which won't actually do that much but the game will look uglier so just trust me okay?

This simple puzzle game has some deceptively difficult challenges inside it. Move your character, the paintbrush, using the Up, Down, Left and Right arrows, and try to paint every canvas its target colour (viewable by pressing Shift). Be careful though, you'll lose control once you start moving, and some colours will have to be mixed together in order to be created. You will make mistakes, we all do, but that's okay as the ever-helpful Bucket-O-Water will strip all paint off of any canvas. Just like in real life...?

Brush Strokes was made within 3 days for Mini Jam 165, whose theme was Paint with the limitation of Minimal Control. Hopefully the 'paint' side of things is clear enough, and my take on minimal control was to have the player only be able to move in 4 distinct directions, whilst also losing control as soon as movement begins.

Random aside: this is my first ever Game Jam entry, so go easy on me :D

Published 24 days ago
Tagshard, maze, My First Game Jam, Pixel Art, sliding, Unity

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